writing tips

Meet The Cast of The Crimson Gods!

By on January 14, 2021

As the Indiegogo campaign is under way, I thought it time to introduce a few of the main POV characters in The Crimson Gods. For this one, the video is a better option, which gets into some of their personality traits, but below is the first look at Ashaya, Amari and Sirich! A special thanks […]

Delete These Words From Your Novel (Mostly)

By on December 17, 2020

As new authors we tend to overthink our writing. We want to be “real” writers, so we overthink our prose and overuse words in an attempt to make it more “poetic”. Save that shit for poetry! With that said here are some types of words that you should axe from your manuscript. (Again, not in […]

How To Write: Bind Your Story Together With Foreshadowing!

By on November 30, 2020

So you are writing your book, or thinking about it. You feel like there may be something missing? Your outline not quite lining up? Not sure how to tie things together? How can you link point A to B? As always you can watch the video version of this article here: Think back to any […]

Honest Writing Advice For Beginners

By on November 19, 2020

Welcome back to #WritingWednesday’s where I give more writing tips and advice both here and in video form on the YouTube channel. Today lets dive into some honest, (and sometimes harsh) advice for those would be authors out there that are looking to write their first book. As usual here is the video version for […]

How To Write Character Profiles

By on November 12, 2020

Characters are the most important aspect of writing. It doesn’t matter how perfect your made-up world is, if readers cant relate to the characters that fill that world…well, what’s the point? The most common writing tool to help with this is writing character profiles. Essentially this is simply a list of all the aspects of […]