How To Write Character Profiles

By on November 12, 2020

Characters are the most important aspect of writing. It doesn’t matter how perfect your made-up world is, if readers cant relate to the characters that fill that world…well, what’s the point?

The most common writing tool to help with this is writing character profiles. Essentially this is simply a list of all the aspects of a character from basic physical attributes, to family life and culture, all the way down to a characters hopes, aspirations, dreams and fears. For those of you that would rather watch the video version of this article, here ye go:

So, what should you include in a typical character profile? I use a 3 section profile, with the third section being a questionnaire. Below is a good starting point, feel free to add or subtract based on your own writing. Perhaps a plot driven story doesn’t need such an in depth profile.

Section 1 – Basics
General Background:
Body type:

Section 2 – Relationships/Family

Section 3: Personal
Strongest personality traits:
Weakest personality traits:
Needs of the character:
What drives your character:
What is standing in your character’s way:
Favorite sayings:
Favorite foods:
Favorite colors:
Financial situation:
Future Plans:
Possessions this character values most:
How does your character handle conflict:
What is their favorite room and why:
What vehicle do they drive:
Favorite sport(s):
What are your character’s prejudices:
How does your character feel about love:
What is their neighborhood like:
What is your character’s philosophy on life:
What is your character’s family life like:

Note: You can download this template here!

So here is an actual example from my upcoming debut novel The Crimson Gods, meet Amari!

Character profile: Amari

Section 1 – Basics

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Race: Ethoryan

Ethorya is one of the original 12 realms of Aahsgoth. Its culture is based on African mythology and a touch of Greek (think of a medieval Wakanda of sorts). They are a monotheistic people that worship the goddess of earth named Gaziael, who is also a member of the larger religion still found around Aahsgoth called The Thirteen Aspects. Gaziael founded the kingdom after their ancestors escaped torment from the east in their native land Afarya. Legends say she destroyed a fleet of ships and the Afarian forces alone. She then ruled as queen for 100 years before ascending back to the heavens.

Height: 5’11”

Body type: slender but toned due to spending a lot of time on the sea as a fisherman since around age 10.

Appearance: Long black dreadlocks and a full beard. light brown eyes and medium/dark ebony skin tone. he typically wears standard fisherman’s clothing such as gambeson to keep warm at sea. casually he often wears traditional Ethoryan clothing such as a dashiki style shirt in combination with typical Aahsgothian attire. his sword his always on his hip.

Section 2 – Relationships/Family


  • Amari lives with his sister Abana in Waterside Landing in southern Vaegomar.
  • Amari’s father Amaru helped the last king of Aahsgoth, William Blacksun fight in a conflict known as the last rebellion. William had led an army to help defend Ethorya previously. they became close friends.
  • Amaru later left Ethorya to escape politics and theism for a simpler life, as he enjoyed the sea. William granted them a small keep on the shores of the middle sea named waterside landing, where he brought his children. Ethoryans are considered all descend from clan Gazi, so typically have no surname.  Amaru however, took an honorary name, Docksider, as William granted him lordship. Amari spent his childhood in Vaegomar growing up with Williams eldest son Sirich. Amari trained in sword, lance and spear and was educated alongside Sirich, then the crown prince. Amari picked up the nickname “Doc” as a shortened version of his surname.

 Section 3: Personal

Fears: Failing his father’s legacy (is he good enough, or doing enough), embarrassing his family.

 Strongest personality traits: a good heart, proud, intelligent, deep thinker, cares deeply for family and friends, honest, witty, loyal.

Weakest personality traits: a bit gullible, honest (to a fault at times), can be illogical when emotional, doesn’t like to say no (it could disappoint his friends and family).

Needs of the character: to be appreciated, needs to find his purpose again after his father’s death.

Ambitions: unsure, still dealing with his fathers’ recent death, he left politics for the life of a simple fisherman.

Interests/hobby’s: fishing, sailing, business, markets.

Education: taught by master preceptor Galen in Wolfpine.

Religion: family subscribed to Ethoryan religion which has no specific name but equates to worshipping only one goddess of the thirteen aspects, Gaziael, the goddess of earth. However, Amari himself is more agnostic.

What drives your character: honoring his father, carrying on his legacy.

What is standing in your character’s way: himself, he’s not sure what he wants.

And there you have it, a simple guide for you to really get to know the monsters in your head.

Pro Amateur Tip! Don’t let this be a substitute for actual writing. This can also be developed as you write if you are more of a pantser (gardener type) that learns about your characters as you go. Remember, you can, and will edit…a lot!

This can also be developed as you write if you are more of a pantser (gardener type) that learns about your characters as you go. Remember, you can, and will edit…a lot!

Hope this helps and keep writing!


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